


More Than Hope Counseling does NOT accept insurance. We also understands that counseling is an investment in your growth and health.  We try to keep our rates as reasonable as possible and will do our best to work with people when finances are an issue (sliding scale, waitlist, referral to other counselors, sponsorships, etc)

General Questions

Questions about our rates & fees

No.  There are multiple reasons for this.

More Than Hope Counseling does NOT accept insurance.  This is for a few reasons.  One reason we do not accept insurance is for your benefit and to legally maintain the integrity of biblical and pastoral counseling. Insurance companies require diagnostic codes that become part of your permanent health records.  They can also require counselors to follow approved treatment methods and often limit the number of sessions that they cover.  Our approach to counseling and coaching allows me to support you in protecting your privacy so you are free to get the support you need without the limitations of the healthcare system.

The other reason we do not accept insurance is tied to licensure and we have intentionally not pursued state licensing.  We believe that the Wisdom of God, relayed to us through His Word, is the basis for good counsel. We do not think it is helpful that spiritual truths must be requested by a client before they can be brought up in a clinical setting.

Yes. Research has found that online counseling can be as effective as in-person counseling. There is no difference in patient satisfaction depending on whether therapy is online or in-person, and for either method, the outcomes tend to be better the more sessions someone attends (although truly effective counseling actually has an end point)

A sliding scale is a reduced rate offered to clients when there is a demonstrated financial need so that counseling is more affordable. There are a limited number of reduced rates when clients can’t afford the full fee.

If you would like to start but cannot afford the full fee, please contact us about sliding scale availability. If all sliding scale slots are full, we can put you on a waiting list until a spot opens up, or provide you with referrals to others that might offer a reduced rate.

In home sessions allow you (the client) to choose the meeting location which is typically your home.  There are any number of reasons you might prefer to meet at your own house - convenience, comfort, safety, or plain ol' preference. Whatever the reason, there is limited availability for in home counseling where I come to you or meet at a place you choose.

Travel costs are calculated at $2 per mile (or any portion of a mile) as measured from the middle of Greenville (500 Evans St) to your address. That is the total price (round trip)

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